When the cat was hurt.

Our doors, as in any house dominated by cats, do not close. Because as soon as you slam it shut, the bacchanalia begins immediately. The cat has not yet decided whether he wants to go in there, but is already throwing a tantrum. With screams and a sincere desire to break through the passage at least with his own forehead.

Yesterday Sasha and I went for a walk. We walked around the Mikhailovsky Castle, wandered through the streets. Turns out I haven’t been there in years. And just the two of Sasha, just like that, slowly walk around the center, a separate pleasure. This new project of mine with easy steps pleases me more and more. True, the cat is not very happy. Have you ever heard of being five minutes late for dinner? We actually entered the apartment at 20:05. And lingered not on a walk, but in the parking lot! We met a neighbor and chatted a little, it happens to everyone. Just five minutes!!

«Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.» Didn’t even come out to meet.

— Well, Skizi! -Sashka stroked his well-fed side and patted behind the ear while I hastily filled the bowl with pate. The cat pretended to be too exhausted to resist. It’s no joke, I was starving for five minutes!!

-Do not pretend! You have not even lost weight. — I was indignant.

— Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu? How can you scream so eloquently with your mouth full??!!

— Look, don’t choke!

— Well, everything, brought the cat, went offended. Sasha sighed.

“I ate it first, of course.” I snorted.

We went about our business, changed clothes, washed our hands and all that. Then I sat down to the laptop, Sasha to the computer, but the cat was nowhere to be found.

— Skiziii! — Sasha called, — Come here, you will be offended here !!

I looked around. The cat is nowhere to be found. This is him when the naughty hides, and loves to be offended in plain sight. So that everyone knows, and do not forget for a second how deeply the tender feline feelings are wounded!

— Mazoooonkiiin! — I called.

I thought the cat responded. Just kind of dumb. As if in a pillow. We exchanged glances.

Stop shedding crocodile tears. Go here!

The cat seemed to respond again, but so quietly …

«Mazonkin! I’ll come myself!» Sasha threatened. It always works. This is like the last threat that the cat tries not to reach.

That’s what I heard now.

— Uuuuuaaa !!! — He yelled, and how he slammed at the door. She almost fell off her hinges.

“What, didn’t you fit into the turn?” Sasha was surprised.

Bam. Bam. Bam. Like a cast-iron forehead at the door.

We rushed to look.

It’s terrible to say what I experienced when I saw the door to the bedroom slammed shut.

First, a prick of conscience. They didn’t feed on time, and then they mocked while the cat suffered behind the locked door. Aki is a prisoner of the castle of If, rejected and offended. Then fear. The offended cat was locked in the bedroom. Just so you know, locked up is a good reason to create anything, anything at all! At least pee on a white blanket, at least gnaw on the closet doors, at least gobble up the curtains!

Sasha and I stared at the cat. His yellow eyes met mine. I swear we were thinking the same thing! Only I with horror, and he with annoyance about the missed opportunity.

Fortunately, the cat was too offended, and was not going to leave anywhere. Therefore, he did not immediately realize his position. Otherwise, this red-haired natural disaster in those unfortunate ten minutes that he was locked up could do everything that I even have no imagination for!

I had to take it to the bowl on the handles. True, only two vitamins lay there forlornly, but the offering was accepted.

Phew. Looks like my liver is pardoned))

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