When the cat was drawn to sweets …

I really love crackers. These, you know, big ones, with raisins and sprinkled with sugar on top. But first, I’m on a diet. Secondly, Sasha tries not to eat sugar. Therefore, I was very surprised yesterday, noticing a bag of crackers on the table.

-What’s this? Sasha asked sternly.

-Bribe.- He sighed.

Bribe, that’s good! And crackers are even better. Now I’ll change my clothes and instead of dinner I’ll sharpen a cracker! Better two! With tea. Black strong and a slice of lemon. To hell with diet and green tea! Only hardcore!

I changed, washed, and padded into the kitchen. Here she asked Sasha to vacuum! Some crumbs stick to the heels. Again the cat shook its filler all over the apartment!

— Well, Saaash! — I was indignant.

— I was vacuuming! — In turn, Sasha was indignant.

— Ururru uuu! — Just in case, the cat was indignant, suddenly there were some claims against him too.

To him, of course, there are complaints. Actually, all my claims only to him! But if you argue with him, I will never drink tea at all. Went to vacuum. Sasha went to pour tea. The cat went to hide.

I sat down, so, finally, at the table. On the right is a half-liter cup of tea, on the left is a saucer with crackers. Crackers, however, some are not like that … Without sugar and as if wet. I looked at the packaging. Maybe some others, and what did I mix up? No, it’s like that. And in a pack of crackers with sugar, and on the label it says with sugar.

— Saaash?!?! — I yelled, directly feeling that they were trying to deceive me.

-Uuuuu.- The cat stretched out and disappeared from the kitchen half-bent.

I looked at the crackers, at Sasha, in the wake of the fleeing cat … Well, no. Cats don’t eat sugar! And in general, if he took anything, it would be raisins! I know him! I was ready to believe that Sasha licked the sugar. But not a cat!

-What? — Sasha still looked up from the computer and looked at me.

I presented a plate. Then she took a closer look, and the bowl of accusatory scales leaned towards the cat. As far as I have noticed in ten years of acquaintance, Sasha does not have a wool of a suspicious red hue …

-Again ?! Skizi!! How many times have I told you, don’t touch the crackers!!!! my husband yelled, confirming my guess.


— Urruuu! — The cat snarled, it seems, from the bathroom.

— Sasha! — I was indignant. — Cats can’t have sugar! It’s fucking poison!!!!

-Mazonkin!! Sugar is poison for cats! Sasha barked and considered his mission accomplished.


I was indignant, because the crackers not only lost sugar, but also had wool! In addition, they were suspiciously wet. You never know what licked that tongue to my crackers!! The cat snarled from the basin for a long time and categorically did not admit his guilt. Then he slammed doors for half the night. I bet you want something sweet again! But it was not there. I ate everything. All that was left in the package. Five pieces, probably. What?! I couldn’t risk the health of the poor little cat again!

Sugar is poison for a cat! Everyone knows this. Except Mazonkin, of course.


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