What to do if neighbors scold your cat?

Let’s go with Sasha to a local store. Not far, drive five minutes to the bridge, then jump over the bridge and another five minutes. But it’s by car. On foot, of course, longer. There is a village between the bridge and the shop. The houses are all pretty, there are no fences. Lawns, vegetable gardens, flower beds. Everything is fine.

We went to the store and stood in line. Such shops are a separate kind of art. Valuable on cardboard, an impudent cat on the refrigerator and smells like pies. And the conversations in the queues are all about the harvest, planting and pressing matters.

— The cat got into the habit of coming to us, — The local ladies in the queue talked to each other. — He ate all the strawberry leaves!

Sasha and I giggled, but tensed up…

— Oh, listen! All the cucumbers in my greenhouse are bitten!

-What cucumbers, I also have a cat who loves his own cucumbers! But some kind of cholera gnawed squash!

— Let’s get out of here! — I hissed at Sasha. It’s clear whose cat it is.

-Be quiet! If anything — not ours! — Sasha hissed in response.

-And this has never happened! Always whole zucchini! And here are the ovaries, and the young and the leaves !!

The women gasped and shook their heads.

Yes, zucchini is strong.

-Yes, zucchini is trouble.

— And most importantly, — the victim continued to complain, — Clearly so the imprint of the teeth! Immediately clear — a cat !! One to one, like from ours on cucumbers!

Seriously?! Here is an expert! Maybe it’s mice! I was angry about myself. And generally speaking…

-Red cat something? — Sashka sighed.

I nearly fainted.

— Betray your own cat! Horrible!! What are you doing?» I groaned softly.

— No, black. We drive him and drive him, but he still walks! The aunt was outraged.

I exhaled.

“Well, you need to know whether to plant zucchini or not!” Sashka answered in a whisper.

I lightly pushed him to the side. Do not make excuses! I’ll talk to you at home! I’ll tell the cat everything! And it’s not Skizi!! I’ve always known and believed in him!! Not like some!

“What, does a redhead come to you too?” Another lady jumped up. “This cholera ate my flowers!”

I even got a cold sweat.

— Red cholera? — Sashka clarified, with an absolutely businesslike look.

-Redhead! Huge! Hefty! I bit off all the heads of lilies! I chase him away, and he climbs again! At first I thought — sniffing! He gets up on his hind legs, stretches his neck, helps himself with his paws, and gnaws the stalk at the very flower! Some heads are lying around the site!

The lady also showed it. The people began to giggle. I was dumbfounded. Sasha just rolled his eyes. Flowers are a pity! And zucchini, of course. But there are more flowers.

— What’s so funny! — Offended woman. — I have been growing these lilies for five years!!

To be honest, I freaked out. It’s very embarrassing, you know! There is, of course, no guarantee that it is Skizi! But … And it seems a bit far from home. But … And you can’t catch it in any way. And you can’t really explain! And you won’t punish. I’m talking about a cat. Of course, he will be very surprised if I start yelling at him at home ((

Therefore, I have a question. What if the cat is complained about?! If he eats other people’s flowers?! And pity the poor woman! If my own cat eats my flowers, I will scold him. But if my flowers are eaten by someone else’s cat?! Ufff.

How are these scandals usually resolved? Help, damn it, with advice …

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