What to do, and the cat is to blame.

Well, everything. This is no gate. Looks like I’m going to have to take my cat home!

I got new shoes, and the cat has a new box. He fell in love with her immediately and with all his heart.

New, noisy, crisp and shuffling box. If I had known that she would act like this, I would have left her in the store! But nothing foretold. It looks like a decent box, just the right size for an eight-kilogram cat.

-Finally, Skizi has his own house! — Sashka stroked the cat, and he was glad, spread over the box and rumbles.

I kept silent about what happened to the rest of the boxes, and who is to blame. Don’t spoil this moment. Housewarming after all! Moreover, during the day everything was fine. The box was in the bedroom, the cat sat in the box and did not interfere with my cooking or cleaning. I rejoiced. Modestly so, with an eye, but rejoiced. Not for long.

Because when we went to bed, in the silence it became clearly audible how the paper crunches. So thin, crunchy, which for some reason they put in a shoe box. I was a little nervous, but the cat liked it. He fidgeted every now and then, the paper crunched, I got angry.

-Skiiiziiii! — I hissed indignantly. It was too lazy to get up, and Sasha pretended to be asleep.

— Uuuuu uuu ?? — The cat responded displeasedly, and began to crunch more actively.

— Go get it out! — Sasha could not stand it at last.

-Yeah, am I immortal? Go yourself! — I almost lost the gift of speech from such impudence.

-I should have taken it out!

— I barely managed to pull out the bots, what kind of paper is there!

Sasha grumbled a little more, but still got up. Resolutely he pulled out a rustler from under the cat and took it to the balcony.

-Ururru uuu urrururuu! — The cat called after him, clutching the box with all its paws.

— No one touches your box! — I grumbled. It’s always like this, we don’t sleep all, but only I will have to suffer at work !!

Finally. subsided.

-Good night everybody.


— Uuu ururur uuu.

Then I thought a little.


And even more pathetic.

— Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


— Skiziiii!!


And then it started. The cat decided that it was impossible to trust us, since the most valuable thing was stolen right from under the priest! And I decided to move.

Shark. Shark. Shark. Shark. The box slowly but surely moved into the corridor. I silently got up, burning with the desire to inflict reprisals. In the dark, she stepped on something woolen, presumably a tail, got something sharp, presumably claws, and kicked something square, presumably a box. Decided mission accomplished, went back to bed. There was silence for a whole minute, until Sasha began to giggle. Then the cat roared, and the box continued its journey.

I got up three times. One, because the cat was blowing in the hallway and he was trying to turn into the bathroom. The box got stuck, but the cat tried very hard. The second, when the box was rowing up to the sofa. She rested on him from the wrong side, from which the cat wanted. Here he not only fussed, but also yelled. If you don’t want to, wake up. On the third, I found them by touch, unable to open my eyes. She threw one on the balcony, took the other to the bed.

— One more sound, and you will be left without pate !!! — I threatened in an angry whisper. Apparently, she was convincing, because the cat instantly calmed down.

Basically, I don’t even know. Throw away the malicious box or leave it?? Or leave the box, but the cat … that … that. You don’t even have to feed her pate! Phew.

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