Tale of Eternal 19

-Not. — Mark squeezed out such a short and difficult word at the same time. He extended his hand to an impossible phenomenon and, clinging to it, touched the tree. He let the energy pass through him. Furious, impossibly strong, but having poles, forces. It wasn’t darkness, and it wasn’t light. Just strength. And it depended on the vessel how such a powerful gift would be used.

A Tale of the Eternal. Notes on Skizi October 26, 2021

“No, no!” whispered Lilith, crying for real. — I don’t want to go back. I can’t be in the dark anymore. I cant.

Mark stepped closer to her.

-Thanks to. — Said the angel. — I’ll take them both. If you want, I will grant you oblivion.

-Not. — It was a little uncomfortable to argue with him. But Mark got over it. He pointed to Adam. — This one promised me a reward.

The archangel looked at him for a long time. Then he smiled a little and bowed his head.

-Think again. Do you really want this? — He said, turning his affectionate gaze to Lilith.

-Yes. — Mark answered firmly, and the look of the angel became different.

“Better ask for a fish.” Shadow commented, not at all embarrassed.

— If it’s in your power. — Corrected Mark.

— You can’t get everything back. — And after waiting another moment, all the same he spoke. “You are pardoned, demon. You’ve been bailed out. And asked for a second chance for your soul.

Lilith tossed her head, staring blankly at the angel.

— You have a new chance. Become a good wife and caring mother. Become a worthy person. Don’t miss it. Otherwise, heavenly punishment will befall you. Having finished his speech, the Archangel turned his gaze to Mark. “I bless you for what you have done. Your life is already difficult. But know that we have not forgotten you.

He put a heavy hand on Adam’s shoulder and together they disappeared. Lilith fell unconscious to the ground. Mark rushed to her, but a real miracle was happening before his eyes, and he froze. Her hair, once black, was dyed a bright red. Pale skin flushed red. The first breath of all time escaped her chest, and she opened her piercing green eyes.

— It would be better to leave the fish. — The cat sighed, but still, he was also imbued with some incredible magic of this moment, and did not even grumble. He furtively wiped away a tear. But he did not even know yet that at home, in his bowl, a beautiful fish appeared. And it will always appear there, as long as the cat himself desires it.

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