From darkness to light.

“Obviously, I’m too stupid to handle this. I muttered. But there is someone who might know something! I’ll be back.

I closed my eyes, imagined her in all her glory, red curls, big eyes. I didn’t even have to open the teleport, just think about it, and I ended up in a luxurious living room. I remembered this house from my last visit. The memory made me shudder, but I pulled myself together.

Beginning of this story:

Beginning of the whole story:

— Miriam! — She screamed, not wanting to trample on the snow-white carpet. Still, I came in peace.

Footsteps were heard, some fuss. Somewhere upstairs, a door opened and closed.

— Miriam! — I called again.

— Get the hell out of here, Roxana! — came from above.

— Stop it, honey! You are not polite! — Another, male, voice was indignant.

“After her last visit, we were attacked!!” Miriam scolded, still not showing herself.

But you haven’t protected the house yet!

— I thought she was behind us forever!

“I can hear you!” I shouted, rolling my eyes.

Miriam was nearby, and I immediately made a benevolent face.

I didn’t expect you to be deaf! She looked meticulously at me for a while, but then she smiled all the same. -Well? End of the world? Drinking cat? Saint lost?

-First.- I sighed. “Actually, I need all of you. I want to show something.

“Good.” She said slowly. — But remember, I don’t like it!

Like I like it! I opened the return teleport and we all returned together. I was hoping for good news. I didn’t expect too much, but I hoped. Well, like Chronos, from the height of his longevity, he will say that this is a common situation, and this happens all the time. Let’s say once in a thousand years!

— I’ve never seen anything like it! — Exclaimed Chronos, and in a matter of moments killed my hope.

-Really? Maybe once every two thousand years…” I muttered. The Saint embraced me, calming me down.

-Not. Never.

Miriam and I looked at each other.

“I didn’t see either.” She muttered. And then she suddenly smiled brightly. — But I’m glad that this is not my problem! I’m sure you’ll figure it out! Good luck! Chronos, we’re leaving!

— Hey! — I was indignant. — Do not you understand?! We have magic problems! ALL of us!!

-Oh come on, you can do it! She pushed me away, created a teleporter, and stepped inside. Chronos just shook his head, but did not have time to step inside. Miriam is back. — Shit!! Roxanne!! I! You!! I hate it!!

“But it wasn’t me who broke the magic!” I protested.

-I don’t care!!

We could stick around forever. And even began to enjoy it. But something happened. Our new friend suddenly turned pale. She stumbled and would have collapsed prone if Svyat and Chronos had not picked her up a centimeter from the ground. Miriam and I paused and looked at each other.

-Hey! Throw it away! — Miriam was indignant, and poked Chronos in the side. I envied, but did not fight. She limited herself to light pats on the cheeks of the young lady.

When her huge lashes fluttered and she opened her eyes, I recoiled. The pupils became vertical, like those of a wolf. It was as if she had started the transformation but could not finish.

-What happened to you?!

“It hurts.” She whispered, and tears came out of her eyes.

She screamed so loudly that we all got scared.

Maybe another source? Saint suggested.

-A place of power? I know! Miriam was already opening the teleporter when Klaus appeared very close by.

-Oh, the rescuers have arrived! I can rest easy, the magic is safe. — He said sarcastically. Too bad it’s too late for the girl.

«How late is it?» I asked. Appeared on my head!

Alas, she is dying. Hybrids can only live near sources. She is not alone, but she is the first. I’m sorry. He shrugged and added nonchalantly. — Or not.

Miriam was angry, but Chronos held her back.

— I’m sorry, but he’s right. Most likely.

We all looked at Chronos in unison.

-But you can transfer it to another source?! I screamed in despair.

— You still do not understand? — Klaus was surprised, but Chronos besieged him with an evil look, and continued himself.

-It will happen to all sources. Sooner or later.

But maybe we can fix it! You just need to buy time! Holy!! Take her where Miriam will point you! I clenched my fists, with a terrible urge to punch Klaus.

-As you say. The warlock shrugged and smiled as the teleport closed.


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