From darkness to light.

The transition to the twilight world was easy. The light just dimmed a little, the shadows thickened and everything around began to move. Objects lost their clear edges, as if they had been passed over with an eraser. People have completely disappeared. None of them were able to follow me. Unless he died. I discovered another truth. My body was not left there, crumbling to ashes from time to time. I went completely to hell. It seems like I’m not human anymore. Matter, consciousness, pure magic. I can be a wolf, a raven or any other animal, I can become wind or rain. I can be anyone or anyone.

Beginning of this story:

Beginning of the whole story:

-Roxanne! “In this realm of ghostly shadows, he alone seemed real.

-Klaus.- I bared my teeth.

She threw out her hand, attacking with pure magic without preamble. Now we were on the same level. Because now I am just like him.

— Wow! — He smiled happily, barely holding the shield.

Well, it’s just a warm-up. I prepared to attack again, but he made some subtle gesture, and I felt strange. It was as if my weapon had been yanked out of my hands. But my weapon is magic!

— You know, I had no doubt that you would be here, and not a wolf. No wonder he was insured. He smiled a shark smile. Snapped his fingers.

I looked at my hands. From wrist to elbow, magic played in my veins. It shone with blue light. I’ve seen this before, up there, by the ley lines. But then it seemed like magic. Now the seal was clearly visible.

— A little trick, Roxanne. Do not be angry. I had to take care of my safety.

I would be proud. The king of the underworld himself is afraid of me. The greatest warlock of all time fears my power. But remembering that gesture, a kiss goodbye, a cold touch of the lips of my hand, she only winced. It’s a simple ritual. Block. Spell on the blood, fast and tasteful. I was too bad to understand everything at once. but then, when she saw blood on the gray-blue skin of a wolf. I could have imagined! Like a flick on the forehead. Didn’t think of it before?!?! And they trusted me with the truth! Eeehh.

-Nothing. But you can take the best seats in the front row. He grinned, but did not show off too much under my indifferent gaze. — What do you say, do you want to see how I will release my army upstairs?

— Well, yes, you always wanted to be the most important. — I grimaced. — Is the world of the dead not enough for you? Why are you alive?

-Because I can. And because I’m crazy, crazy, bored. “Simply, without any show off,” he said.

All right. Because I can. And because it’s boring. Normal, understandable reasons. I would say human.

Many doors from this world lead to the upper one. And each is the source for the ley lines. Others sometimes open slightly, and a slight draft brings ghosts and other evil spirits into our world. There is no particular misfortune from this. Except for individuals. But if you push the door, open it a little wider, the source of magic fades away. That serves as a signal to the initiates. A lot of evil can get into the living world.

And if you open wider … Legions of demons will flood the world and there will be no place for the living among the dead.

Klaus is still great. Listen to him, one voluntary sacrifice was enough now to not only open the door, but to tear it off its hinges. And he knew perfectly well that I could not compete with the deity. It was. Before.

— Oh, Roxy. — Klaus sighed. — You always have to do everything yourself.

The warlock began to cast a spell. Quietly at first, unintelligible, then louder and louder. I conjured silently. It doesn’t take much to prepare for simple actions. Demons began to gather around us. Like crows, they rushed around, spinning into a funnel and howling deafeningly. Their roar replaced all other sounds. A portal appeared not far above us. His outline was still too weak. But gradually it will be strengthened, filled with radiance, and it will be possible to use it. I clasped my hands. She silently whispered a spell, feeling strength gathering in her palms. Klaus yelled out the last line, thrusting his arm forward, sending all his strength into the almost solidified portal. I did the same. And if he pushed the door, then I pulled on myself.

He laughed so fervently that a devilish smile touched my lips. Still, it’s funny. All life is under threat. Gotta save the world again, blah blah blah. Everything is clear here. But to turn this very salvation into a kind of banal tug of war … Here it is grotesque chic.


From Darkness to Light.18Notes on SkiziNovember 13, 2021

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