From darkness to light.

I woke up with something dripping on my face.

— Witch ahh. Well veeeeemaaaa. ‘ a thin voice howled.

Great, cat. Come on, drown me in your tears.

— The mind is incomprehensible, she succeeded! — The surprised voice of Chronos.

-But how is she? Look, the hair is scorched! — This is Miriam, fussy and chatty. She never noticed that.

Beginning of this story:

Beginning of the whole story:

A warm hand stroked her hair gently. I will not confuse this touch with anything. holy So, everything is here. And you can just lie down a little more. The whole body is wadded. It’s not that I don’t want to open my eyes. I can’t yet. Another moment.

-Holy, she went to the Ancients. And if she survived there, then now it’s certainly all right. — Sweet voice, merciful. Then I’ll remember Miriam when she refuses to help again.

-Chronos also walked. — Cracked voice, hoarse. The words seem to be hard to pronounce. Forgive me Saint. I did not mean to.

Yes, but she was inside! This is a great honor. And I’m ready to kill for this! — Now this is more like the good Miriam. And then she divorced nurses here. — They gave her the truth. And she did. Now it just needs a little time.

“Everything will be fine.” My cat suddenly declared. Well done. Support them there, I am now.

-He carried her out of the fire, that man. A young voice said suddenly. Oh yes, our lovely hybrid. She owes me her father. I hope he survived. — Demon. He pushed it out and seemed to be on fire. But they are not afraid of fire, right?

A traitorous tear rolled down from under the eyelashes. Why, if you cry like this, lying on your back, tears always flow into your ears? It’s ticklish. What are you thinking, witch. About nonsense, so as not to think about the main thing. Yes, demons are not afraid of fire. Only it’s not fire. So you opened your portal for me? The same, personal, through which he appeared to me? The one that required the lion’s share of your strength, otherwise you would have already dragged some kind of dirty trick through it? What happened? Don’t know about safety? Not strong enough to return? But you couldn’t help but know! Damn you… well, apparently already. Where do the souls that die in hell go? Is there an even greater hell for more losers? Don’t yell. And where do the souls go who have sacrificed themselves in the name of love? No, that’s not love. You would just be bored without me. Enough. I already mourned you. Especially at that time when she sent herself to hell. Farewell, Klaus. You were the best partner in chess, I swear to you. And I hope I never get bored enough to think about you. Or want to know…

Under the eyelids stopped pinching from unshed tears, and I hardly opened my eyes.

“Cat, fu, you’ll drown me.” She muttered, trying to get up.

Svyat closed his eyes for a moment, exhaled and hugged him tightly. He pressed it against him, smoothed his unruly hair with his free hand and whispered something incoherently, offering prayers to his gods.

-There is nothing to breathe. — I complained, clinging to him no weaker.

-Witch! — The cat was indignant. He visibly kicked my leg and declared furiously, “I almost hate you!!

— I support! — Miriam declared. — You know what, witch? Forget the way to my house!!! And you.” She poked Chronos in the side. “Remind me to put up the most serious protection!!” To incinerate all the uninvited on the way !!

It probably won’t work against her. You’re not a witch anymore, are you? Has my regiment arrived? -He winked at me, and I just smiled forcedly. -I’ve always wondered where the gods come from.

-Funny. — Not without help, the Svyato rose to her feet. — This is temporary. I need to return to the Ancients their gift. Thank you. No need.

“Are you sure?!” Miriam stared at me. “Roxanne, no one refuses a gift of this magnitude!! What are you??

I tightened my grip on the hand that gripped mine in a death grip. Yes. They don’t refuse. Unless they have something more significant on the other side of the scale. But she didn’t explain anything. She grabbed the cat’s armpit, opened the portal and the three of us ended up at the cave.

-Eeeee!! I also called in a disrespectful way.

— Well, you, damn it, give! — Hissed the cat, tucking his tail. — No respect.

-Agree. I sighed. But there was no need to wait.

They all came together. Lots of glowing souls.

-Come in. — In different ways they invited.

-I’m not alone. She answered and smiled cheekily. Take your gift and leave me alone. I fulfilled my promise.

They vanished and the cave began to smell damp again. Darkness covered the entrance.

-Are you sure? I don’t even know if it’s worth it for my sake..- Said the Saint in the very ear.

Holy, immortality equals loneliness. I sighed.

-Exactly. And if she is not looked after, she will be a bad deity. — Stuck the cat.

-We have made a decision. Come in. All. — Suddenly the darkness responded, again illumined by hundreds of souls.

And after looking at each other, the Saint and I stepped inside. Dissolved in the bright light of thousands of suns to find truth and peace next to each other. Acquire knowledge and new powers. So that later, many centuries later, when something threatens the world of magic again, to be able to win. Stand guard over light, life and magic shoulder to shoulder. You can’t wish for better.

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