From darkness to light.

I slowly approached the house. I was so tired that I didn’t want to think about magic. No teleports or magical broomsticks. Just take a walk. Being the Supreme Witch is no joke at all. Of course, I tried to persuade Miriam to take back the title, but she laughed so devilishly that I was completely depressed. I hate it all. Tired. Meeting after meeting, problem after problem. Need to hire a secretary, or something …

This story starts here

— Well, I don’t even know if I can help your yoooooo. — The Cat sang in a completely sweet voice, and I even shuddered.

Can a cat read minds? I looked around. Nobody. Are you already hallucinating?

— I beg you! Luminous! Radiant! — A thin voice, which is peculiar only to swamp nymphs, began to frequent. We will not be in debt!

Interesting! What kind of business do swamp nymphs have with my cat???? Voices came from above and I shook my head. So it is, the window is open on the second floor. I hastily cast a levitation spell and drew level with the windowsill.

A swamp nymph, a small plump lady, the size of a firefly, hung exactly above the Cat. The same one, although lying on the floor, had a proud, arrogant look.

— Well, I don’t know. — He stretched out with laziness and yawned. “Perhaps for a cask of swamp elyay.

-Of course!! Of course!! We are all that you wish! — The nymph became frequent and even lit up with zeal. “Just arrange a meeting with the incomparable High Witch!”

-Of course, tomorrow morning, for five hours, will it suit you? — Asked the Cat, instantly becoming businesslike. He fished out MY diary from somewhere and quickly scribbled something.

— Thank you, incomparable!!

The nymph disappeared, and I almost fell down, losing concentration and control over the spell from anger. What???? Here is the same … Yes, what would it be !! It hovered just above the ground and plopped softly into the grass. Cursed properly.

— Roxy? — Saint looked out on the porch. He quickly ran down the stairs and helped me up. — What are you? Teleport wrong?

— No, I, damn it, made a mistake with the cat! — She grumbled and rushed into the house. Well, I’m for you! Well, I love you!! — Kooot???

He appeared in the air and stared at me with his most honest eyes. I just gritted my teeth.

«Is there anything you want to tell me?» I hissed angrily.

-I? Nnnnet. The cat even recoiled.

And I just smiled. The plan of revenge ripened instantly. Did he want swamp ale?! Will be! I called my diary, found there MY entry about tomorrow’s meeting with the swamp nymph, and even got a little proud. Wow, what a talented cat I have, wow!

-Cat.-I sang affectionately.- I decided here — I will delegate part of the authority to you! For example, look! Swamp nymphs!

“But… uh…” The cat even backed away. “But I can’t… I…”

-Cat! Drop it! You are the perfect judge! Very fair and creative! I’m sure you will succeed! — I grinned even more. — Why wait until morning?

I concentrated and furiously shouted out the words of the call. In a matter of moments, that same swamp nymph was in front of me.

“Vv…vvv… uv…” She looked around in astonishment and did not understand anything.

For a moment, I was ashamed of my impulsiveness, but the next second I smiled radiantly, floridly apologized, bowed and asked to express the essence of the problem right now. The nymph blushed with indignation, then turned pale with my respect, and then quickly expressed a claim that fit in a few words.

-Orcs absolutely!

The Saint and I looked at each other, and the cat jumped into a furry fist.

-But what about me? — I was surprised.

-Like this?! The nymph wondered in her turn. -Everyone knows that you can solve any problem!

-Who is everyone? — I clarified.

— The cat says so! And in general, everyone knows that you are the greatest witch!

I gritted my teeth. Ah, the cat says! I don’t want to be a great witch, I want to be a free, ordinary, witch!!

— Well, since the cat says … — I hissed. — You know, he himself is not a miss! Perhaps he can handle the orcs better than me, why pull?! Kooot!!

The cat looked dumbfounded from me to the nymph and back.

-Witch… you are… you…

-That’s right, Cat! We must hurry! And so that it was very fast … — I drew the outline of the teleport in a sweeping manner. — Please.

— But the witch … — Whispered the cat, — what are you?? Orcs are there!!

— Well, slavnenko, bring me the ax of the leader!

The nymph nodded gratefully and jumped into the teleport, while the cat had to be helped. When the portal slammed shut, I furiously turned to the Saint.

He was leaning against the door frame, arms folded across his chest, smiling. He smiled so that all the rage faded away. I even got a bit embarrassed. The saint came closer. I sighed and pressed my ear against his chest. The heart was beating measuredly and this sound was the most correct in the world. He hugged, sheltering from the whole world at once. The anger passed, I took a deep breath. OK. I’ll take a break and bring this impudent back. I’ll send someone else to fight the orcs. But before the thought had time to fully take shape in desires, an owl flew in through the window. She dropped the scroll on the windowsill and disappeared.

-Then.- The saint hugged him tighter. — Tomorrow.

— This is breaking news. I have only one eye. — I reluctantly turned around. I won’t be able to sleep if I don’t read it.

-Okay. He handed me the mail himself.

I unrolled the scroll and couldn’t believe my eyes. Because, according to the dispatch, the orcs are attacking the main swamp right now! Just where I just sent the cat away with my own hands!


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