From darkness to light.

I felt better, and even walked almost the entire way. The trail took us higher and higher into the mountains, and in the afternoon it became noticeably colder. Orcs became bolder and angrier. The higher we climbed, the freer they felt. I glanced warily at the pack of savages and tried to hold on to Saint. He walked lightly, now and then encouraging me.

Beginning of this story:

Beginning of the whole story:

“You have nothing to be afraid of.” How many times during that day did he say. — Not tired?

-Not. Everything is fine. I’m not afraid, I’m afraid. Soon they will cease to reckon with the giants. And we will be devoured at best.

— No, just you. I can get away. — Stretched Holy and I poked him with my elbow.

Joker, damn it!

Both are just accompaniments. Be patient, we’ll be there by evening. I really do not know where it is, this place, but I feel that everyone is waiting for this.

— What’s the trouble with that? — I grumbled, lamenting that I still do not know the enemy.

“I don’t know.” Patiently repeated the same thing over and over. -Something happened. Something that scares them. I see their fear. Only and everything. Something that threatens magic and the normal order of things in this world.

That explanation didn’t make it any easier. Couldn’t these ancients think any clearer?! Or at least say what’s what! How do they even imagine my help?! They will poke their stone hand into some kind of krakozyabra and say “face” ?! I was irritated, but this anger helped me to walk.

After lunch, it was decided to stop for a halt. The orcs resented, but still obeyed the giants. They put down the fires and began to cook. No matter how hard I tried, I could not bring myself to swallow the terrible brew.

— It’s just porridge! — Persuaded Saint.

I looked at my plate. The creepy-looking slurry caused hmm .. antipathy.

-Do not even hope. -I shook my head. -Once the Cat wanted to surprise me on the occasion of my birthday. And even that creepy green pus looked more appetizing!

Eh, my cat. If I had magic, I would have called him here a long time ago! But if something bad happens to him, I can feel it even without magic. Of this I was certain.

-What is happening there?! — Svyato got up, and I quickly threw the bowl into the bushes. I will not eat for fear of death!

A moment later, some hubbub reached my ears. I also stood up and looked around. The company of orcs that had been sitting a little further away also jumped up. The warriors grabbed their axes and were clearly about to fight. Saint and I looked at each other.

“Are we attacked?!” I was surprised.

“Looks like…” The Saint suddenly recoiled in surprise, then stretched out his neck again, and suddenly burst out laughing hoarsely, as far as a wolf can.

-What?! — I climbed onto a stump, stepped from it onto the trunk of a fallen tree, and only from there I could see what made the wolf so laugh and forced the orcs to take a fighting stance. It was my cat.

He rode on a mountain goat. The poor animal could not even think that it would someday be a mount. The goat resisted as best he could and lengthened the road in every possible way, from time to time laying a circle. The cat, clinging to the withers, behaved well. Just a little greener. But the orcs that rushed behind had a much more deplorable appearance. They might have already abandoned everything, but the goat either slowed down or changed its trajectory, which gave them false hope.

Caught between two groups of orcs, the goat became nervous.

-Saveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! The cat yelled and jumped out of the saddle.

Holy as an arrow, rushed forward. With a powerful leap, he flew over the stunned orcs and intercepted the cat in flight. A minute later they were both standing in front of me, panting and giggling madly.


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