From darkness to light.

“What kind of farce is this?!” I arched an eyebrow and glared angrily at the cat. As if I did not want to immediately cling to him, or at least cross myself from relief. Alive, bastard.

Well, they attacked me! — Proudly said the cat. “Then I ran away, found a uh…vehicle, and rushed over to you.” I knew you were in trouble!

Beginning of this story:

Beginning of the whole story:

He waved his hand so carelessly that it immediately became clear that he was lying.

— How did you know I was here? — I squinted.

-Well…uh… Oh, okay, witch. — The cat squinted wickedly. «Actually, it’s your fault!» I was kidnapped, tortured, almost killed!! It’s good that you managed to escape in time !! And in general !!! — He picturesquely folded his paws on his chest and rolled his eyes. «!»

— But we still don’t understand how you knew where we are ?! — I really didn’t like that the Cat was trying to play up.

-Witch! Where is the remorse!? Orcs stole me because of you!! They dragged me in a bag! Stinky bag, mind you! Witchcraft didn’t work!! I panicked!!

-AND?! I raised an eyebrow. — You’re not talking about something…

— Okay .. — The cat somehow wilted. Klaus helped me.

The wolf and I looked at each other.

“Not good.” The Saint growled.

«Klaus?!» I wondered. And I totally agree with St.

— He showed up unexpectedly. He ripped open the bag and told him to run. Pointed out the direction. He said that you were in danger and that I … looked after. Sorry. — The cat is completely wilted. “But what was I to do? Stay in captivity?

I sighed.

-It is not your fault. I shook my head. «He didn’t make you saddle the goat, did he?»

— No, — the cat snorted. — These are orcs. They were chasing. By the way, we are not going to be beaten?

We turned around in unison, but there was no threat. The orcs invited their comrades to their fires and continued to crack the terrible porridge. What the hell is going on?! They are from different clans! Orcs do not get along even in the inner circle of their clan! Stranger, there is a stranger!

I shivered. Something really creepy is coming. Holy promised, by the evening everything will be decided.

-Something’s going on. — Quietly said the wolf — stay close.

The cat jumped into my arms with a big jump, and I barely had time to grab the weighty carcass. The orcs left. One by one, they silently took their axes and left. The giants also slowly began to move and began to slowly retreat.

— Are we being abandoned? — I was surprised.

-Not. They just walk away to a safe distance. — Whispered Holy. — They ask you to stay here. When your magic returns, you will understand everything yourself.

-I?! — I wanted to cry.

What kind of joke is this?! This is quite audacity! Go there, I don’t know where! Save that, I don’t know what?! Maybe for the better? Dump quickly and all the business …

— Wonderful! — The cat was delighted and fell to the ground. — Dump!

I just shook my head. All the same, not in vain so many years together! We think alike. And we act too. Contrary to his words, he went closer to one of the fires and threw a branch.

«We’re not leaving, right?» He said sadly.

-We’re not leaving. I agreed.

“And I don’t have a chance to make you disappear?” The Saint suddenly said.

— I thought you didn’t mind.

We all sat around the fire, taking the best seats. As if in the auditorium, waiting for the premiere.


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