As I went to look at the brownie …

Tonight I almost turned gray. And all of you are to blame, dear readers and commentators! Who? This is in the comments I read about the brownie! They wrote about him even before yesterday’s hammer. But I remember, I laughed it off, it doesn’t help pay the mortgage, let him look for another housing! There is already one freeloader, try to feed him alone. And he is not going to share the pate, that’s for sure. Here.

And I woke up last night. I didn’t even understand why. Just a feeling… strange.

— Skizi! — Just in case, she hissed at the cat.

But on who? Sasha is sleeping! At least I was sure of it! We have the widest bed the store has ever had. And sometimes we sleep on different sides, because in the middle the cat sleeps in the pose of the Roman emperor. Or grandfather Lenin. I automatically ran my hand across the bed. There doesn’t seem to be a cat. And from behind the door some strange sounds. It’s like someone is talking. In such a voice, strange, lisping. And no. I haven’t watched Supernatural in a long time, nor any other horror movies, and I haven’t even read a single thriller last week!

I got up. Actually, it always pisses me off in horror movies. “Something terrible is lurking in my basement where there is no light! It’s midnight and no one’s around for a mile! Excellent! I’ll go and see!!» Infuriates something infuriates, but she herself

also went to look. She opened the door to the hallway. It’s dark, only the night light is on in the bathroom.

— Harmful cooot!!! Why are you doing this?! — Howled home in a terrible whisper. I was scared and a little happy. Well, someone has to raise a cat! — What is it? BUT? What???

— Uuuu ururu uuu. — The cat answered terribly guilty.

I even stopped breathing. Yes, it wasn’t. Now let’s go to the bathroom! I just didn’t write my will. Although, Sasha is now a legal spouse, he will get the mortgage anyway! If only to not start stuttering. And don’t touch your mind. Yes, yes, chuckle! But honestly, what I had time to think about, I admit it.

Just in case, I took a sneaker in my hands. He was just on the way to the bathroom. It’s not me, it’s the cat that scatters shoes all the time!

— Well, vooot! — Hissed brownie. And as if something to chew began. -Why did you have to do that?

-Uuu uuurruu uuu.- And the cat, most importantly, is so guilty, so affectionate!

I peeked around the corner. Eh, it wasn’t a ball, but if I don’t look at the brownie now, I won’t forgive myself for the rest of my life.

Do you know how he yelled, my husband? Louder than me! And the cat was running away, so on the third jet! What am I to blame?! I just peeked around the corner into the bathroom a little. And he just looked in the mirror. And there is one shaggy head sticking out from around the corner! While he recognized his beloved wife, he almost died. The cat did not understand, dumped and that’s it.

-Ugh, you fucking leg! Yuyuyulyayay!!!

“Why aren’t you sleeping????!!!” I yelled, and I threw the shoe at him. Because I was also scared.

You see, Skizi woke him up. He broke into the closet, stole socks and took them to bury. I had to go rescue. Along the way, I took a cucumber to chew, because I was hungry. And he frightened the cat in a whisper so as not to wake me up. They always like this, in colors, communicate with each other. I have written many times myself.

And I had to repent about the brownie.

— Yeah, if it was once, it ended long ago. He will become with such … damn it, live. Yourself is more expensive. Sasha muttered and went to sleep.

I went too, with the cat under my arm. Scared, poor thing. And left the light in the hallway. It seems that I will sleep with the light for another week, no less. And everything would be fine … But I am tormented by vague doubts. Why did you think about the brownie, but not about your own husband ???

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